Why breathing deeply is so important
Breathing deeply is so important. When I learnt Biofield Tuning from its founder Eileen McCusick, she used to constantly reminded us of the necessity to breathe deeply. She was adamant that breathing deeply aids the release of any stuck emotions. The practitioner or the client can do this breathing, and ideally both whenever there is stuck energy appears. Minute by minute deep breathwork from the belly enables the energy to flow through your body. The powerful effect that breathing facilitates cannot be divorced from the intent of the practitioner during a session. In many ways the forks serve to amplify a combined effect of focused intent and focused breathing. In fact without the support of occasional active breathing the forks cannot be as effective in clearing and subsequently healing.
Breath as the carrier of light
I began to think more carefully about the nature of breathing. Eileen aptly describes the breath as the carrier of light. We are electrical beings she says, so we emit light. The more electricity in our biofield, the more light we emit. Breath is our most intimate form of energy healing. So we can use the breath to carry the light into our biofield and bodies. We can allow our breath to energetically strengthen our immune systems and thus build up our voltage to cope with any crisis or trauma that we encounter.
There can be nothing freer than using our breath wisely
Tuning forks are a relatively new phenomena in the realm of healing and sound therapy. They can be used on ourselves or on others. What happens if we want to give a session but we don’t have any forks on us? I believe we can work with our intent and breath to create a similar effect to what the forks do. In fact, working with the skeletal breathing technique we can play with it, learning how to direct it into our bodies. As a self-help tool, there can be nothing freer than using our breath wisely. After all, that is what the mystics and adepts have taught us through the ages.
Free Audio Meditation
So I have created a free audio meditation to guide you through the process of breathing deeply. In doing so I’ve adapted the protocol of biofield tuning and the method for clearing and empowering the various chakras (energy centres in our body). In this way we can maintain a clear channel of light in our core body.
Sign up on my home page for your free audio meditation: The Healing Breath
During my upcoming online group sessions I will incorporate breathing exercises into the routine. This will allow participants to feel the power of combining intent with simple creative breathing processes. The forks I use are carefully selected for their extreme efficacy so when you put it all together biofield tuning is an incredibly powerful force for change.