Tuning Your Chakras
Tuning your whole body starting with the all-important feet is an essential tune-up for you personally if you want to understand how the electro-magnetic forces affect you and how your emotional and mental being is affecting the field. In fact you may well discover that there is a constant two-way flow between yourself and the external biofield. Or in other words, spirit and matter are connected, and the old addage that Form Follows Thought is so true.
This series can be taken remotely as a workshop either online or remotely or as a pre-recorded session. Please state when booking.
In Edinburgh I gave the first live workshop on Thursday 6th March 2025 to a group that work together on community issues. The participants came together feeling tired and unenergized. It was a pure delight to note that after the session they felt far more alert and energized and more importantly for a community group, they said they felt a strong sense of connectivity and warmth for one another. I would recommend any form of group tuning for a business or community enterprise because it helps people bond to one another in a non-verbal way where they enter a neutral zone of heart coherence.
Live Chakra Tunings £25
The next workshop in Edinburgh is on Thursday 24th April at 7.45 at the Edinburgh Taxi Club
The tuning will be on the Knee Chakra an important sub chakra for Initiating and sustaining projects in your life.
Series of Chakra Recordings to date £25
Please specify which chakra you want when ordering.
I offer a reduction for those who have attended live sessions online or in person. Please specify chakra when you order:
Online Chakra Tuning £25
1 Feet: Monday 7th April at 7 pm
A Zoom link will be sent upon payment
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